Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Very Special Birthday

Kaylah turned 3 this week. We wanted her to know how very loved she is, and we did some simple things to help make her day special.  (Sorry about the watermarks on the pictures.  I put these up on my other blog too, and I don't want any weirdos using pictures of my babies.)

We put streamers on her door before she got up.


 We woke her up by standing outside her door and singing Happy Birthday. birthday  

It took a while for her to wake up and understand what was going on. birthday  

 We hid her presents all over the house. birthday     birthday birthday

Later that afternoon we had a joint birthday party for both of the kids at their grandparents house. J.D.'s birthday is next week, so we will give him his own special day then. birthday

 She is so excited to be 3! She's mostly looking forward to being able to participate in children's choir at church!

 We love you, little ladybug, and we pray that you will learn to love the Lord with all your heart and serve him with your life!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Ethan the Frugalite

I suppose I have done a good job teaching Ethan not to be wasteful of his food.  I went out of the room for a minute and came back to find that he was cleaning everybody's plates!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Mommy Let Me Get All Dirty!

picnic Mommy let me join in the picnic with the big kids today!  

I usually have to sit in the stroller. What fun is that?!   

I got just the tiniest bit of food on me - nothing much at all. ;)   

Every big boy has to have his milk with his lunch. I dribbled just the tiniest bit of that on me too. 


 Hey, mom! What's this?   

 Wait! What's THAT?!   

I've really gotta go check this out.   

 I'm still not sure about this thing.   

Can I touch it?  

Ooohhh! That's how you do it! Let me take a quick break here before I try.   

Cool! Maybe I'll just wash this smushed banana off my shorts.  

This getting dirty stuff is pretty fun, Mom.   

Yay for my big-boy, standing-up, messy self!   

What a great day!

Monday, June 18, 2012

New Discoveries

There were a couple new discoveries at our house this week.

Ethan discovered how to drink from a cup all by himself, and he has been staying well hydrated. :)

Kaylah and J.D. discovered that the blackberries in the backyard are ripe! They spent quite a while out there picking and eating today. Kaylah fed them to her baby doll. :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Growing Up

Just some more reminders that these little ones are growing up so fast!

Ethan started pulling himself last week.  Now it's a regular occurrence.  He's even a naughty little stinker, standing up in his crib and jabbering to J.D. when they're supposed to be taking their naps!

J.D. is quite the big helper, always making sure Ethan doesn't put things in his mouth.  He took the initiative to give Ethan a ball to play with and give him a stroller ride last night.

I just couldn't resist putting this picture up.  I love his smile!

And look at my big girl.  Today was the first day she got the courage to swing on our swingset!  She would do it on the swings that have the flexible seats that you kind of sink down into, but she never felt secure enough to do it on ours.  She laughed the whole time!

I love watching them play together!  Oh, I could just squeeze them!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Remember This?

Remember this picture of J.D. eating the sour cream?

Ethan got a little earlier start.  I thought I had set it far enough away from him, but I guess not.  That boy will reach so far for things that his Bumbo will tip over on its side.  I call him elastic boy. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

What is This?

We were playing outside when J.D. spotted this rock.  "Wow!  A white rock!!!" he said excitedly.  After a pause he added seriously, "Or it could be a frozen marshmallow." 

What a nut!